The Mitford Murders launch party
Last night was the official launch party for The Mitford Murders. Held on the first floor – the Crime Room – of Hatchard's Piccadilly, the scene was set with the backdrop of London's setting sun through the end window. Around a hundred people turned up and the noise of the chatter and clinking wine glasses was a delight. Although this is my tenth book, as my first novel everything about this title has been completely different, not least this launch party. This felt closer to a giant birthday party or even a wedding... a total joy with the feeling that everyone in the room was wishing me well. It's quite a ride to surf that much positivity! We sold plenty books and hopefully got the buzz out there before going on to Pizza Express on Haymarket, where the brilliant staff served up Mitford Murders pizzas...Tomorrow is publication day, so I'll be back in London to sign stock at Hatchard's and Goldsboro. At some point, I'd better get cracking with the next book in the series... 'Bright Young Dead' this space.